Wushu - started
Yup thats right wushu has finally started after an exam break. First day of training and i was late because i had an interview Dr.Boon with Queenie.
I was quite nervous at first actually because she is after all our principal. But to be honest, she is very friendly and she always hung a smile on her face. The interview went smoothly and in a blink of an eye it was over. After that Queenie and i went for CCA together. To sum it all up, Dr.Boon is a really pleasant person and she is quite nice:) (Yay principal)
Next was wushu, i missed the basketball game and by the time i got there it was time for serious training HAHA(sianz). It was really tiring at first because i had to start up my "machine" after such a "short" break... Well still the same, JW the best then LJ behind and a few others before me.... WHY CAN'T I IMPROVE FAST!!!! AAARRGGGHHH LJ said i was not putting in effort.. LOL well “皇天不负苦心人”i think it is written in this manner haha, so i will carry on jia you-ing and improve...
BOLDEDGUY signing off now Bye Bye :)